It’s still early Spring in Georgia, but daily high temperatures are already climbing! While the heat and humidity may keep you inside in air-conditioned comfort as much as possible during the summer, you have to venture out at some point. After all, there are beaches to hang out at, and ball games to watch. Before you head out the door, here are some summer skincare tips to help you keep your skin protected from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Sunscreen: Don’t Leave Home Without It
Sunscreen protects your skin from burning, peeling, blistering, and even skin cancer. When you purchase sunscreen, be sure to look at the sun protection factor (SPF) number. The higher the number, the stronger the sunscreen and the greater your protection from sun damage.
If you’re spending the day at the beach, look for sunscreen with a SPF factor of at least 30. For activities with minimal sun exposure, such as driving to work on a sunny day, a SPF factor of 15 will do. However, you may need sunscreen with a SPF as high as 50 if you have ever had skin cancer or pre-cancerous lesions removed, or if you are extremely fair-skinned.
For the best protection, apply sunscreen about an hour before you leave home. Be sure you rub sunscreen on all areas of exposed skin, including your ears, face, and back of your neck. If you’re spending the day swimming, don’t forget to re-apply it each time you get out of the water.
Hats and Sunglasses Are Your Friends
Wearing a floppy hat with a large brim and sunglasses specifically designed to block UV rays are both smart choices in the summer. They not only help prevent heat stroke, they also keep the sun’s rays from damaging your face.
According to the American Dermatology Association, sun damage is the leading cause of premature aging and wrinkling of the skin. You can keep your skin looking young and guard against serious skin diseases by keeping your head and eyes covered.
Apply Moisturizer Every Day
The sun has a way of drying out your skin, even when you practice good sun safety habits. To keep your skin smooth and healthy, make applying moisturizer part of your daily routine. Now that it’s summer, look for a moisturizer with lighter ingredients such as jojoba, lotion, or gel. If your skin becomes chronically dry or starts to look dull, use an exfoliator while showering.
Don’t Forget the Bug Spray
Unfortunately, the start of summer also means that mosquito season is here. Before you head outdoors, spray your exposed skin with insect repellant. This prevents unsightly bite marks as well as the diseases that mosquitos and other pesky insects can transmit.
Remember, summer can wreak havoc with our skin, especially in this climate. So take the precautions you need to, then get out and enjoy yourself! We at Dermatology Associates wishes you a safe and happy summer!
Dermatology Associates offers a full spectrum of leading edge medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology from offices in Savannah and Vidalia.