What Causes Age Spots and What You Can Do About Them.

If there’s one thing that can make you feel old, it’s discovering that you have age spots on your skin. The name alone can make you cringe, even though it’s

Skin Care at Menopause

To many women, the word menopause is one of the most dreaded in the English language. But why, exactly? Well, hot flashes for one. Even worse, though, is what menopause does to your skin once you stop producing estrogen. So what can you for skin care at menopause? Read on.

Can Sun Damaged Skin Be Reversed?

By now, we all know the virtues of sunscreen. When used properly, sunscreen can protect us from the harmful rays of the sun, while allowing us to enjoy our outdoor

What is Melasma and What Can You Do About It?

When you look in the mirror, do you see gray or brown patches? Have you ever wondered what they were and why you have them? Well, they actually have a

Meet Our Newest Laser – NewSurg KTP!

Dermatology Associates is excited to introduce you to NewSurg KTP, an exciting new treatment option for vascular and pigmented lesions. Spider veins are the most common type of vascular lesion,
