If you have rosacea, you know it – you see it every day when you look in the mirror. Is there any way to get rid of those red, bumpy
Your mom thinks they’re cute. Your grandmother calls them “angel kisses.” But every time you look in the mirror, you want to scrub those little brown dots off your face.
Although acne may seem like a right of passage from youth to adulthood, no one likes it. In fact, once we get it, all we do is try to get
From drug stores to commercials, the term “sensitive skin” is thrown around a lot in the beauty industry. But what does it really mean to have sensitive skin? Unfortunately, the
If you’ve ever looked in the mirror and felt that your pores lean a bit on the large side, you aren’t alone. The truth is that without Photoshop, most faces
There are so many skin care myths out there that it’s difficult to choose the top five. Everything from “can chocolate cause acne?” (no), to “will popping a pimple make
Even though spring is just a few weeks away, you’ve still got time to get your skin looking its best. Remember, though, that your goal shouldn’t be to look super-model perfect – your goal should be to do what you need to feel confident enough to show your skin and enjoy spring to the fullest. So here are some of the most common skin complaints we hear, and some of the newer procedures that can help you.
It can be strange to imagine that your skin is one of the largest organs in your body, or that it’s even an organ at all. We see our skin
As you hit your 30s, it’s time to sit back and reevaluate your skincare. The skincare routine you used in your teens and twenties (cleanser, toner, moisturizer – repeat)